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Gino Wickman

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“Relationships Create Results”

Written by Gino Wickman on May 26, 2011

A client made the above statement in a recent session, and it was a powerful reminder. What makes us all successful is the strength of our relationships with people.

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Plan for Tomorrow Today

Written by Gino Wickman on April 28, 2011

Most people start their day with no plan and drift into the office like rudderless ships. Great leaders and managers plan for tomorrow today, which lets them be proactive and in control instead of reactive.

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A Powerful Pause

Written by Gino Wickman on April 7, 2011

All of our clients follow the practice of having a weekly Level 10 Meeting. Click here to download the Level 10 agenda. I’ve seen many companies do these meetings, and one huge mistake keeps rearing its ugly head when clients get to the Customer/Employee Headlines, and again when they get to the Issues List: They launch right in and wind up missing the real stuff.

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The Quarterly Conversation

Written by Gino Wickman on March 21, 2011

Are you having quarterly conversations with all of your direct reports? One of the most powerful things you can do is to stay on the same page with your people and help to make little course corrections along the way. Above and beyond your regular weekly meetings, day-to-day interactions and annual performance reviews, I recommend you follow this practice.

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A Simple Question That Will Keep Your Organization Healthy and Productive

Written by Gino Wickman on February 28, 2011

Two epidemics kill cultures: end-runs and unresolved complaining. These epidemics have a powerful cure in the form of a simple question.

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