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Watch Out for These Challenges When Implementing EOS in Your Company

Written by Mike Kotsis on November 30, 2017

The power of EOS® is that it gives your company a single way of doing business that's simple and proven. Over 40,000 organizations around the world are running on EOS and getting their business under control. By addressing the Six Key Components™ of your business and providing a model for solving your company's issues for good, EOS helps you grow to achieve your vision and goals more effectively.

But some leadership teams that are running on EOS aren't gaining the traction they'd expected to see when they started using the system. As a leadership team, they're getting more done, solving more issues, and working together better than ever. But the business as a whole isn't improving, and the operations side of the company is still out of control. What's going on?

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Appreciating the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Written by Mike Paton on November 27, 2017

The Inside Strategic Coach podcast we shared with you a few weeks back has generated lots of positive feedback and interest within Dan Sullivan's Strategic Coach network and the EOS Implementer Community™. Given the way our programs complement one another, we find that very exciting.

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Why Aren't You Getting What You Want from Your Business?

Written by Mike Kotsis on November 20, 2017

Many entrepreneurs are frustrated because they aren't getting what they want from their business. Most of them don't understand why they've hit the ceiling, and they're left spinning their wheels without gaining any traction.

Wondering why you aren't getting what you want from your business? It comes down to one or more of the following seven business problems.

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Are You a Leader or One Who Leads?

Written by Rene Boer on November 16, 2017

A leader may hold the title, but it's the person who leads who excels at coaching and getting the most from his or her employees. If you're on a leadership team, which person are you?

Although many leaders understand that coaching their employees is a large part of their job, few profess to excel at leading, managing, and creating accountability (LMA™). And I've never had a business owner tell me that the reason they started their business was because they loved to manage people. It's no surprise then that "people issues" are one of the common frustrations of leaders, owners, and managers.

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Issues, To-Do’s, and Rocks...Oh My!

Written by Mike Paton on November 13, 2017

To help you manage the complexity of your business and all of the “stuff” going on, I highly recommend the discipline of choosing only one of three options for any problem, idea, commitment, or opportunity, i.e., “stuff.”

Mastering the art of compartmentalizing will help you free up energy and time for yourself, your team, and your company – while maximizing your efficiency and productivity. You'll execute better, become more efficient, and FOCUS your team's energy.

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