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Clarity Revisited

Written by Don Tinney on July 18, 2011

I find it very interesting that Gino and I both felt compelled by our recent experiences working with leadership teams, to write about clarity. If you missed it, see Gino’s recent post. We’re both recommending the same solution, coming at it from a little bit different angles.

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Don't Say Maybe

Written by Rene Boer on July 14, 2011

Answer “Yes” or answer “no”. But, don’t say “maybe”. “Maybe” is noncommittal and it rarely buys you time.

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Get Clear

Written by Gino Wickman on July 11, 2011

It’s a really strange time right now—kind of like a whipsaw—due to the chaos and massive cuts companies endured to survive in 2008 and ‘09 and then some relatively good growth in 2010 and ‘11 on the same amount of reduced resources. Leaders are in a frenzy right now due to the lack of capacity and certainty.

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What is the Psychographic of Your Ideal Customer or Client?

Written by Gino Wickman on June 27, 2011

In most cases, an entrepreneur believes that “everyone” is a potential customer. This is simply not true, and after clarity is achieved, a substantially lower number of candidates is revealed. That’s the bad news. The great news is that this smaller number—when you identify who, what, and where they are, and align all your marketing and sales resources and efforts around them—means that you’ll drastically increase your business-development results.

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Effective Time Management

Written by Don Tinney on May 31, 2011

From time to time, I have clients ask me if I can do anything to help them with personal time management. The typical reason is that they have put too much on their plate and they can't figure out how to get everything done. So here's my response, and this comes from a lot of personal experience transitioning from a poor time manager to a more effective time manager.

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