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Business Vision - Where is Your Business Taking You?

Written by Mike Paton on May 6, 2011

To say my dear grandfather is a “serial planner” is something of an understatement. A high-school math teacher and slide-rule expert, his love of details, structure and discipline is legendary. Whenever he travels anywhere, friends and family receive copies of a detailed itinerary well in advance, carefully hand-printed on a pristine sheet of – you guessed it – graph paper.

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Plan for Tomorrow Today

Written by Gino Wickman on April 28, 2011

Most people start their day with no plan and drift into the office like rudderless ships. Great leaders and managers plan for tomorrow today, which lets them be proactive and in control instead of reactive.

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The Power of Abundance

Written by Mike Paton on March 28, 2011

You’re not an Entrepreneur if you have the time and money to do whatever you want.

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Disengaged Employees

Written by Rene Boer on February 14, 2011

It’s estimated that uninspired, disengaged employees cost American business more than $350 billion annually. Over the last decade, a Gallup Poll of 10 million employees revealed that two thirds felt they were not given the opportunity to do what they do best every day.

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The Difference Between “Capacity” and “Get It”

Written by Gino Wickman on December 27, 2010

As you may know, one of the core tools and disciplines for helping a leader determine whether someone is in the right seat is GWC™, which is an acronym for making certain that a person gets it, wants it, and has the capacity to do his or her job. If any of the three are a “no,” that person is in the wrong seat. It’s very simple and very powerful.

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