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Five Steps to Achieving Organizational Accountability

Written by Mike Paton on September 22, 2011

In the last four years, I’ve asked several hundred leaders from nearly 100 entrepreneurial companies to rate the level of “Organizational Accountability” in their companies from 1-10, with 10 being best. The average response?

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Business Owners Get a Leg Up on the Competition with EOS Worldwide

Written by EOS Worldwide on September 21, 2011

Summary: The Entrepreneurial Operating System from EOS Worldwide addresses the challenges that business owners face in today’s global marketplace. The system provides the tools entrepreneurs need to effectively manage and grow their ideas into a successful and thriving business.

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Predicting - Picking a Better Path

Written by Don Tinney on September 15, 2011

In EOS, we use the term, predicting, not in the way you might think. We don’t mean the ability to foretell what’s going to happen in the future. I have yet to meet someone who can do that. Instead, we use the term in the context of envisioning and planning.

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The $10,000 Customer

Written by Rene Boer on September 12, 2011

Years ago, when I was with Pizza Hut, someone in the marketing group calculated that a loyal customer purchases over $10,000 worth of pizza during his/her lifetime. At that time pizzas were selling for about $10 so, that’s about 1,000 visits or roughly one visit per week for 20 years. We called these folks “heavy users”.

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Is Your Vision Shared by All?

Written by Gino Wickman on September 8, 2011

One of the simplest disciplines to make sure everyone in your organization understands, buys in, and shares your company vision is doing a quarterly state-of-the–company address.

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