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Business is a Sack Race

Written by Ed Callahan on December 30, 2013

I have helped all sorts of companies implement EOS. Construction companies, software companies, wealth management companies, wine distributors, and more. When I ruminate on what is common among these clients – one aphorism comes to mind – business is a sack race.

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Trust and Intent

Written by Dan Wallace on December 23, 2013

A friend of ours has backed himself into a bit of a corner. On the promise of extraordinary returns, he made an unconventional investment. The people he invested with have assured him that the investment turned out great, but more than a month later, he still hasn’t gotten a check.

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What we can learn from Nick Saban about success

Written by Ken DeWitt on December 19, 2013

Two things happened recently that showcase the power of Nick Saban’s famous “Process” for winning college football. This feature aired on CBS’s 60 Minutes, and this photo (Photo originally tweeted by C.J. Schexnayder @kelph ) of Darth Vader reading Saban’s book became an internet sensation, highlighting the only half-joking belief (and the nerve) of some that Saban has aligned himself with dark powers or sold his soul to the Devil to get where he is.

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Just say it!

Written by Chris White on December 16, 2013

One of the toughest obstacles for a leadership team of a company to overcome is “vulnerability based trust” where it’s safe to have conflict and take risks rather than fear them. It’s human nature to avoid uncomfortable or risky situations. Sure, there are people who are calm, cool and collected when the heat rises in a meeting but most become quiet or at least wait till someone else breaks the ice.

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Are you being held hostage?

Written by Rene Boer on December 12, 2013

Business owners "give up the gold" when they fail to resolve two issues that prevent them from having truly great people in their organizations. In fact, there are only two people issues in the wonderful world of business. They come in many disguises but they all boil down to two root causes:

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