It’s easy for many of us to see an issue as a bad thing – something to be avoided. After all, issues usually lead to some measure of discomfort, so why shouldn’t we avoid them?
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Issues List, Organization, Growth
Hitting the Ceiling - Reaching Your Limits as a Business Owner
Written by Ed Callahan on November 10, 2011
Barbara Taylor runs a retail coffee and espresso business in Arkansas. She wrote a post in the small business section of the New York Times in June 2011, entitled Reaching Your Limits As A Business Owner. What she has to say about hitting a wall will resonate with owners of companies implementing EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Business
I’m always fascinated with many leaders that I meet and work with who really believe that reaching consensus is the most effective way to make decisions. This is very dangerous due to delays, missed opportunities, and lack of respect from the troops waiting to be led. In addition, historically, the biggest and toughest correct decisions have been made when going with the minority, not the majority.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Management
Are you hoping that things will be better in 2012 or do you have a plan in place that is fueling your optimism? Are you worrying about things that are outside of your control or addressing issues that are well within your control?
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Issues List, Organization, People, Planning
If you want to have better meetings, words matter.
Recently I sat in on weekly Level 10 Meetings with two of my clients. In both cases, as they were adding issues to their issues list, I noticed leaders saying something that negatively affected the quality of their meetings. In the first case, the repeated statement was, “We need to talk about …”, and the second case was almost identical, “We need to discuss …”.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Issues List, Meetings