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Time for an organizational checkup?

Written by Ed Callahan on May 2, 2011

How is your business doing so far this year? Are you satisfied you are doing all you can do to insure your top line will grow or your bottom line won't shrink?

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Plan for Tomorrow Today

Written by Gino Wickman on April 28, 2011

Most people start their day with no plan and drift into the office like rudderless ships. Great leaders and managers plan for tomorrow today, which lets them be proactive and in control instead of reactive.

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Progress Starts With Awareness

Written by Don Tinney on April 26, 2011

I recently had the disturbing experience of showing up at the gym after a long hiatus. I was busy with lots of other more important things and didn’t think the lapse had much of an impact beyond my pants getting tighter. That was until my trainer had me do a few simple exercises that almost made me pass out.

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People Issues - Sleep Better Tonight by Curing the “Yeah Buts”

Written by Mike Paton on April 18, 2011

Entrepreneurs often say, "People Issues are complicated." Are they?

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Seeing the Elephant

Written by Rene Boer on April 11, 2011

During the Civil War, soldiers who had a near death experience on the battlefield described it as “seeing the elephant”. In other words, they experienced something so overwhelming and so intimidating that they felt paralyzed, unable to act. They survived (by miracle or poor aim) but were forever scarred by the experience.

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