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Become a Successful Entrepreneur - Do Something Unreasonable

Written by Mike Paton on February 7, 2011

Seth Godin’s excellent blog post yesterday and one of my clients served to inspire this message. Godin offers one or two posts daily – generally short and packed with insight. If you’re not already a subscriber, it’s worth adding to your list.

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Business Communication Tips

Written by Don Tinney on February 3, 2011

There are many business communication tips one could share, but I am focusing on two that come to mind because of experiences I had this week.

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Sometimes You Have To Do A Little Pruning

Written by Gino Wickman on January 31, 2011

I use a great analogy with clients who are struggling with the issue of toxic team members. The comparison is to gardening. When a plant is dying, it’s often one unhealthy branch or limb that is killing the entire organism. Simply prune the dead or dying limb, and the plant comes back to life and flourishes.

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Anger Management in Business – 2 Rules

Written by Don Tinney on January 27, 2011

Anger management is a hot topic today because so many people are angry. Anger management in business is particularly a concern of mine because I have seen so much of it recently. If you have been in a business meeting where someone has “blown up” or “shut down”, you know what I mean. It’s very uncomfortable when it happens and leaves most of us pretty unclear as to what to do next.

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Accountability Chart Vs. Organizational Chart

Written by Ed Callahan on January 24, 2011

If you’re like most small to medium size entrepreneurial companies, you’ve probably tried to visually display how your company is structured or organized. So what’s the best way to do that – with an accountability chart or an organizational chart? What’s the difference?

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