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Solve Business Problems – Compartmentalizing!

Written by Rene Boer on January 3, 2011

In a prior life, I often found myself dealing with about 136 issues daily, hoping to solve as many business problems as possible. But, no matter how many issues I moved off my desk, the next day there’d be a few more there waiting for me. I measured my productivity and success by how many problems I could solve. Often I found myself solving the same issues over and over again. Sound familiar?

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The Difference Between “Capacity” and “Get It”

Written by Gino Wickman on December 27, 2010

As you may know, one of the core tools and disciplines for helping a leader determine whether someone is in the right seat is GWC™, which is an acronym for making certain that a person gets it, wants it, and has the capacity to do his or her job. If any of the three are a “no,” that person is in the wrong seat. It’s very simple and very powerful.

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Written by Don Tinney on December 23, 2010

At this special time of the year, many of us will be hitting the pause button on our businesses to reflect, rest and spend time with family and friends. So, I also wanted to pause and thank all of you who are part of our EOS Worldwide family.

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Business Accountability – Do What You Say

Written by Don Tinney on December 20, 2010

Business accountability in simplest terms means you do what you say you are going to do as a business. In contrast, the norm today is to over-promise and under-deliver. Dates and times mean almost nothing. Many companies can’t even hit within the time range they communicate. Charging above the quoted price has become so common, many of us have just come to expect it.

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Business Vision - Be clear, and you’re Guaranteed to Benefit

Written by Mike Paton on December 16, 2010

If you’ve been to either of EOS Midwest or EOS Worldwide’s home pages or seen any EOS materials, then you’ve read the phrase, “Clarify, Simplify and Achieve Your Vision.” There’s no way to miss it. We make an effort to emphasize it.

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