It's a generally held opinion that you only get into the Football Hall of Fame as a quarterback if you have won a Super Bowl. Whether you agree with that unwritten quarterback rule or not, the point is that the Hall of Fame for all sports requires that for an athlete to be elected, the athlete must achieve beyond very high standards indeed.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Employees, People, Business
There are many business communication tips one could share, but I am focusing on two that come to mind because of experiences I had this week.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, People, Business
Anger management is a hot topic today because so many people are angry. Anger management in business is particularly a concern of mine because I have seen so much of it recently. If you have been in a business meeting where someone has “blown up” or “shut down”, you know what I mean. It’s very uncomfortable when it happens and leaves most of us pretty unclear as to what to do next.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Issues List, People, Business, Management
How to Solve Business Problems – The Second Discipline
Written by Rene Boer on January 20, 2011
After capturing all your issues on your team’s Issues List – the first discipline – we now need to review the second discipline – how to solve business problems.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Issues List, Team, People, Business
The acronym “S.M.A.R.T.” is a filter to create goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. Each is important to setting goals but it’s the last one, “timely” that creates the urgency necessary to achieve a goal. And, nothing ensures timeliness like a deadline. Setting and then meeting business deadlines creates traction, and traction is the real test of an effective, cohesive leadership team. Without traction people are just spinning their wheels.
Topics: Implementers, EOS, Leadership, Accountability, Traction, Team, People, Business