A lot of EOS® companies struggle at the start of their journey with their Scorecard by trying to monitor too much information instead of focusing only on a handful of measurables. As a result, they don't love their scorecard and it doesn't work well for them. If that is the case for you and your Scorecard, here are 5 steps you can take to troubleshoot your Scorecard issues and make it work better for you.
Topics: Scorecard, Vision/Traction Organizer
Years ago, I bought my dream car: a three-year-old 1984 BMW 528e. Suddenly, I started noticing other BMWs just like mine on the road everywhere.
Psychologists tell us that this is the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, otherwise known as frequency illusion or recency illusion. This occurs when the thing you've just noticed, experienced, or been told about, suddenly seems to crop up constantly.
Topics: EOS, Organization, IDS, Accountability Chart
Even the best superheroes have partners. Wearing a cape means that it takes someone particularly understanding to enter into a relationship that is likely to be fraught with peril.
Topics: EOS, Integrator, Rocket Fuel, Visionary
Bottlenecked, gridlocked, congested – there are lots of ways to describe how it feels when a business gets stuck. We’ve all been there at some point in our work, and once you realize you are there, you immediately start searching for ways to get "unstuck."
Topics: EOS, Leadership, Growth, Delegate
The mark of a great leader is consistently being a great decider! When you think about it, all business activity really comes down to two simple things: Making decisions and executing on decisions.
Topics: EOS, IDS, decision-making