As an EOS Implementer™ I have the pleasure of working with many leadership teams of entrepreneurial companies. I get together with them in a room every quarter to make sure they are moving towards their Vision, realign them as a team and solve issues. And though every team and company is unique in their own way, all businesses struggle with the same issues, different but the same.
Topics: EOS, Organization, Vision, Solving Issues
Before implementing EOS® in my business, my number one pet peeve was repeating myself. It was frustrating to feel like people weren’t listening to me, and it also seemed incredibly inefficient to say the same thing more than once. And anyone who knows me, knows that I am all about efficiency!
Topics: EOS, Leadership, Employees, Process
You probably work hard to attract great employees to your company. You want the best! But what does the “best” really mean?
Of course, we all want great people, but the reality is that the definition of “great” is different for every organization, including yours!
Topics: EOS, Employees, Accountability Chart
Employees perform most of the activities that, if measured, are usually leading indicators of future outcomes. You can’t know how well your business is doing without understanding how well the people in your business are doing. When you spend more time focused on leading indicators you’ll spend less time (after the fact) pouring over income statements and analyzing trailing indicators.
Topics: Leadership, Employees, Accountability
During the check-in portion of a recent quarterly session with a client, several team members mentioned that their Marketing Strategy was “not working”. When I dug a little deeper during the V/TO review, everyone agreed that the Marketing Strategy was correct - they just weren’t sure what to do now that their 3 Uniques™ were defined.