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Structure Your Business to Run Itself

Written by Mike Kotsis on September 18, 2017

I’ve noticed a pattern recently. In meeting with several leadership teams for the first time, I always ask the questions, “What do you want from your business? What’s your big goal?” And lately I’ve heard the same answer from business owners at three different businesses: "I want a business that can run itself. I want to be on vacation for a month and have no one notice!"

But how can you build a business that runs itself when your company has hit the ceiling?

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What the Heck is an EOS Rollout?

Written by Ken DeWitt on September 14, 2017

After your senior leadership team has mastered the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, there comes an exciting – and maybe slightly scary – milestone in your implementation of EOS: it’s time to teach the rest of the company how to do it. We call this the “rollout,” and it begins when your leadership team works together to help next level leaders, managers and supervisors begin using EOS foundational tools in their departments or teams.

Whether you do your rollout to one layer of management at a time or to everyone all at once, there are a few things you can do to make sure the process goes as smoothly and successfully as possible.

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Don't Confuse Blame With Accountability

Written by Ken Ritterspach on September 7, 2017

Accountability is a basic tenet of EOS®. It’s essential to clarify who is responsible for what, top to bottom.

One of the challenges when creating a culture of accountability is to coach managers not to mistake blame for accountability. They are not the same.

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Why Millennials Will Love EOS® - Part 2

Written by Clark Neuhoff on August 14, 2017

In Why Millennials Will Love EOS® - Part 1 we said that millennials, who were raised in a different time than we Boomers and Gen-Xers, think differently. They have very specific expectations for information and for their work environments. TheVision/Traction Organizer™ and the Accountability Chart provide the vision, big picture, and culture that millennials need to understand and to be engaged.

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Why Millennials Will Love EOS® - Part 1

Written by Clark Neuhoff on August 10, 2017

The impact these 76 million people born between 1980 – 2002 will have on the workforce is well-documented. Stereotypes aside, their numbers, creativity, passion and knack for technology make them a critical asset to any organization. However, they do think differently than we Baby-Boomer owners and many Gen-X leaders and managers.

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