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3 Serious Business Owner Obsessions

Written by Gino Wickman on November 22, 2010

I recently learned of a quote from Ray Kroc, the entrepreneur who took over the McDonald’s corporation in 1954 and built it into the most successful fast-food operation in the world. Ray said, “I didn’t invent the hamburger. I just took it more seriously than anyone else.”

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Written by Ed Callahan on November 15, 2010

Tim Walsh wrote a post for his Leadership and Sports blog back in June, called What You See Early Is What You Get. Tim writes about specific rookie baseball players who looked great at the start of their careers and who, so far, are proving to be great.

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Leadership Team Development #20 – Leadership Management Accountability

Written by Don Tinney on November 11, 2010

This is the concluding article in our Leadership Team Development series. Throughout the past weeks, I have challenged you to ask yourself ten questions to assess your effectiveness as a leader and a manager.

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Improving Employee Productivity

Written by Rene Boer on November 8, 2010

For those of you who never took, or slept through High School Latin, Mater Artium Necessitas means “Necessity is the Mother of Invention.”

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Leadership Team Development #19 – Great Managers Reward and Recognize

Written by Don Tinney on November 4, 2010

Great managers do 5 things: 1) they keep expectations clear; 2) they communicate well; 3) they include their people in the right meeting pulse; 4) they have a one-on-one quarterly conversation with each direct report and 5) they reward and recognize their direct reports appropriately.

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