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2 Keys to Using a Business Scorecard to Measure Progress

Written by Ed Callahan on November 1, 2010

Checking up on the progress your organization is making or isn’t making is a balancing act. If you check too often you can easily be accused of micro-managing your people. If you don’t check often enough, a serious problem can go undetected and keep you from achieving desired results.

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Leadership Team Development #18 – Great Managers Do Quarterly One-On-Ones

Written by Don Tinney on October 28, 2010

Great managers do 5 things: 1) they keep expectations clear; 2) they communicate well; 3) they include their people in the right meeting pulse and 4) they have a one-on-one quarterly conversation with each direct report. I’ll talk about #5 next week.

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Two Disciplines to Get the Most from Business Meetings

Written by Christina Mack on October 25, 2010

One of the biggest and fastest impacts you can have on your organization in terms of better communication, accountability, team health, and results is by having a weekly meeting with your leadership team.

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Leadership Team Development #17 – Great Managers Have the Right Meeting Pulse

Written by Don Tinney on October 21, 2010

Great managers do 5 things and we are considering them one at a time: 1) great managers keep expectations clear, 2) they communicate well and 3) they include their people in the right meeting pulse. I’ll talk about 4 and 5 in future entries.

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“No Experience Wanted”

Written by Rene Boer on October 18, 2010

A common frustration of many business owners is how difficult it is to find and keep “good people”. Conversely, “bad people”, those who regularly commit one or all of the Seven Deadly Sins, seem to abound. Even when “good people” are hired, it’s only a matter of time before they somehow mysteriously turn out to be “bad people”. The lament is often “they interviewed so well, but …”

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