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A Walk In the Woods

Written by Rene Boer on September 27, 2010

Have you ever been lost in the woods? Lost to the point where you worried about having to spend the night or perhaps several nights alone? What was the first thing you did after the panic subsided and you stopped wandering around aimlessly? You probably sat down and said to yourself “Hey, settle down, take a breath, THINK for a minute.” And it was during that moment of clarity that you started thinking about your situation differently. You were able to figure it out and find your way out of the woods.

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Leadership Team Development #13 – Great Leaders Act For the Greater Good

Written by Don Tinney on September 23, 2010

Great leaders do 5 things: 1) They give clear direction; 2) They provide the necessary tools; 3) They let go and 4) They act with the greater good in mind. After creating clear openings, providing the right tools and resources and letting go so your people can run, you must always act for the good of your direct reports and the entire organization.

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“Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant”

Written by Christina Mack on September 20, 2010

I heard this statement last week from one of our new EOS Implementers, and I was blown away by its powerful ability to summarize in five words what great leaders do to build healthy, open, and honest organizations.

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Leadership Team Development #12 – Great Leaders Let Go

Written by Don Tinney on September 16, 2010

Great leaders do 5 things: 1) They give clear direction; 2) They provide the necessary tools; 3) They get the heck out of the way and let their people run. After creating clear openings and providing the right tools and resources, you must let go.

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Entrepreneurial Utopia Revisited

Written by Don Tinney on September 13, 2010

A missionary friend of mine said this in a recent update:

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