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Build A Company Culture Of Accomplishment

Written by Chris White on May 9, 2019

All too often, leaders and team managers in business overlook the importance of celebrating small wins.

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The Discipline of the “Organizational Checkup”

Written by Randy Taussig on April 29, 2019

Are you in the habit of getting an annual physical? Many of us do this as a preventative measure to stay healthy.

How about within your organization? Does your leadership team periodically assess the strength of your organization? This is a discipline that is often misunderstood or ignored.

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Discipline Shouldn't Be Scary

Written by Don Maranca on March 22, 2019

Accountability and discipline are often associated with negative stereotypes and consequences. It usually means forcing something on someone. It doesn’t have to be. When done right, accountability is embraced instead of feared. If you are doing all you can as a leader and manager, then accountability results. If not, then it’s time to find another person to fill that seat.

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Opening the Bottleneck

Written by Dean Breyley on February 4, 2019

Bottlenecked, gridlocked, congested – there are lots of ways to describe how it feels when a business gets stuck. We’ve all been there at some point in our work, and once you realize you are there, you immediately start searching for ways to get "unstuck."

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Why Do We Complicate Accountability?

Written by David Norman on September 20, 2018

EOS® is all about focus, discipline and accountability and appropriately so. Successful organizations have all three. Lacking any one, the organizational results suffer.

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