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What the Heck is a Departmental Plan?

Written by Mike Paton on May 17, 2018

When helping an entrepreneurial leadership team clarify, simplify, and achieve its Vision, we use a tool called the V/TO™ (Vision/Traction Organizer™). This EOS Foundational Tool™ contains eight questions, and our job as EOS Implementers™ is to get every member of the leadership team to agree on every word of the answers to each of those questions.

When there’s weakness in the Vision component of your organization, it’s not that there’s no Vision. Often there’s too much Vision – you don’t all agree.

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Your Culture is Your Fault

Written by Ken DeWitt on May 10, 2018

I was recently with the leadership team of a proud company that had a big challenge. They had been experiencing declining sales and profitability. The senior leadership team understood the gravity of their situation, but they couldn’t get the mid-level managers and the frontline employees to see a need to change day-to-day habits.

Like many companies, the culture of the organization had become stale. The employees had a lackadaisical, “So what?” kind of attitude: “So what if this order is not shipped on time? So what if the customer complains?

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Unshackle Your Leadership Talents

Written by Chris Jones on May 7, 2018

The unique talent that I bring to my business is my ability to manage my calendar and email,” said no leader ever.

Often, leaders get trapped into doing things like scheduling and email while the hours in our day vanish with little or no benefit to the company. I’m not sure why we get trapped doing things like this, but it’s common. This work could easily be done by someone else, but many leaders resist delegating these tasks – to the detriment of themselves and their companies.

EOS Implementers™ teach clients to use The Assistance Track™to refocus how they use their time. A large part of this involves handing off tasks to someone else who is better suited to do those tasks.

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Avoid These Bad Decision Making Habits (Part 2)

Written by Marisa Smith on May 3, 2018

In my last post, I shared five of the ten “commandments” followed by teams that are great at solving issues from Chapter 6 of Gino Wickman’s book Traction. Because solving an issue often requires one or more decisions to be made, Gino refers to them in his eBook, Decide! as the 10 Commandments of Good Decision Making. If you or your team are stuck and making little or no progress when solving issues, it’s time to assess whether you’re following these commandments.

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Avoid These Bad Decision Making Habits (Part 1)

Written by Marisa Smith on April 30, 2018

In Chapter 6 of Traction, Gino Wickman shares ten “commandments” of a team that’s great at solving issues. Because solving an issue often requires one or more decisions to be made, they are also referred to as the Ten Commandments of Good Decision Making in the eBook, Decide! If you or your team are stuck and making little or no progress when solving issues, it’s time to assess whether you’re following these commandments.

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