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Four Tips For "Crushing" Your Rocks Every Quarter

Written by Marisa Smith on November 29, 2018

Don’t you love the feeling of walking out of your Quarterly session with clear Rocks focused on solving the company’s highest priority issues for the next quarter? And doesn’t it drive you crazy when you get to your next Quarterly and realize that your team has only completed 40% of them?

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Off The Hook

Written by Marisa Smith on November 19, 2018

In a recent session with a client, several leadership team members mentioned during their check-in that EOS® was “not working.” The Integrator expressed frustration that they were not making enough progress and worried that their investment in the process was not paying off.

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Take 3 Steps to Strengthen the People Component™ of Your Business

Written by Mike Kotsis on November 5, 2018

In a survey of business owners, 82% of the respondents cited people issues as their number one frustration. Employees, partners, customers, vendors – they all weren’t on the same page!

In the EOS Process™, we address this frustration head-on by asking the leadership team three questions to strengthen the People Component of their business.

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5 Common Questions About Departmental Quarterlies

Written by Mike Kotsis on October 25, 2018

As leadership teams begin to roll out the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) to the rest of the company, they’re usually excited about getting the entire organization running on EOS. But as the EOS Foundational Tools™ start rolling out, leadership teams often discover they have several questions about applying the tools at the departmental level.

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Why You Should Never Ignore Silence in a Meeting

Written by Mike Kotsis on October 22, 2018

Assumptions are one of the most dangerous things on a business leadership team. Why? Because no one knows what you’re thinking. At the beginning of the session, I tell teams that my expectations of them for the day are to be open and honest in the moment. Doing this “in the moment” is crucial to building team health.

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