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What Happens When Bosses Hire Their Friends?

Written by Mike Kotsis on October 11, 2018

I've seen a number of boss/buddy relationships over the years, but the one relationship that stands out the most is my own.

When I first took over the helm of running my family business, we had my father and two uncles in the company, and five other family members were involved.

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Leading in a 90-Day World™

Written by Randy Taussig on October 4, 2018

I just returned from the EOS Worldwide QCE™ (Quarterly Collaboration Exchange™) where I met with other EOS Implementers™ from across the globe to collaborate on our work and set new goals for this quarter. What better time to rehash a previous blog on tackling your business 90 days at a time?

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Reviewing Core Processes

Written by Jeanet Wade on September 27, 2018

After completing the 3-Step Process Documenter™, and before the Core Process can be Followed By All (FBA), it's a best practice to do a review of the processes as a leadership team.

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3 Steps to Improve Your Level 10 Meeting™

Written by Sue Hawkes on September 24, 2018

Have you struggled to find 90 minutes for your leadership team to meet every week? Do you continue to shoplift time and hijack people throughout the week when there are issues in your business? If so, it’s time to give your Level 10 Meeting a tune up.

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Why Do We Complicate Accountability?

Written by David Norman on September 20, 2018

EOS® is all about focus, discipline and accountability and appropriately so. Successful organizations have all three. Lacking any one, the organizational results suffer.

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