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Four Steps To Help Your Leadership Team Grow

Written by Don Maranca on January 23, 2020

Recently, I was having a client session with a company owner and his leadership team. 

I asked the team if it had been implementing the tools in the EOS Toolbox™️ they learned down to their direct reports. A few awkward moments followed, filled with blank stares and silence. That’s when the owner broke in...

“What I heard is you don’t have faith in your people.”

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How To Know If You Are a Visionary Or An Integrator

Written by CJ DuBe' on January 20, 2020

Entrepreneurial organizations usually have two types of leaders at the helm: Visionaries and Integrators. Which one are you?

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For The Greater Good

Written by Jim Coyle on January 16, 2020

I am sitting in a session with a client and we are making sure to flush out all the issues. 

The sales and marketing director is going through his list as I write them up on the board. He finishes his list by saying, “And I need to be on the Issues List as well.” This gathered a few looks but I told the group that we had bigger fish to fry so we were not going to dive into solving any of the issues just yet. 

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The High Impact and Low Cost of Recognition

Written by John McMahon on January 9, 2020

Human beings are hard-wired to crave recognition. 

When we know that others are seeing us in a positive light, our brains release a few chemicals into our systems that make us feel good both physically and emotionally. This feeling encourages us to engage or move towards the source that triggered it. 

In short, we move closer because we want more of that feeling.

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Without Vision The People Perish

Written by Mark O'Donnell on January 2, 2020

One of the most powerful tools in The EOS Process® and in developing the Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) is your 3-Year Picture™. 

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